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Dalibor Cicman

Dalibor Cicman


World finals of the Entrepreneur of the Year competition in Monaco, 2024

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I took part in the EY Entrepreneur of the Year competition in Monaco and it was a really unique and great experience. Monaco is an amazing place full of luxury and interesting history. Did you know that every third resident is a euro millionaire and…

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5 Books I read in H1 2024

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My reviews and impressions of the five most interesting books I’ve read in the last six months. Emotional Intelligence – D.Goleman – 8/10The topic of EQ should be a key one for any manager and this book is probably the best comprehensive material I have…

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Screenshot 2024 07 01 at 16.07.35


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At the 10th anniversary celebration, we decided to make a change and moved our traditional summer teambuilding from Košice to Naples. Given that our team is growing every year and more and more colleagues are coming from different corners of the world, as well as…

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Dizajn bez nazvu 1 1

Media outputs Q4 – 2023

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This quarter (Q4) has been quite intense for me in terms of outputs. I’ve completed a number of interesting interviews and various podcasts in which we covered a wide range of business topics. What I’m honestly happy about is that I started working much more…

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GymBeam Dublin offsite 72 1

GymBeam senior management offsite in Dublin

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For our year-end management offsite, I chose Dublin as the destination. Dublin’s Silicon Docks is home to many tech giants, including Facebook and Google. It is a popular destination for expats from over 100 countries. Day 1 – Visit in Google and Meta Both of…

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business knihy ktore som cital v 2023

Books that I read in 2023

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In the course of 2023, I have read some interesting books. I consider reading a very important activity of my days. The reason is to gain different knowledge, to be inspired and motivated, to develop critical thinking, personal and professional development or to keep up…

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coo ponuka

I’m looking for a COO for GymBeam

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About me and the project I have been developing websites and doing digital marketing for almost 20 years. In 2014, I had already built several successful eCommerce projects and a network of great people, which I managed to concentrate at GymBeam. Since then, the company…

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Business strategy for competitive eCommerce project

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Porters market forces On January 29, 2019, I had a public speech on the topic Business strategy for a competitive eCommerce project at the Reshoper conference. My presentation was less exact and more based on my experience and personal opinion, so I decided to write…

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GymBeam company newsletter 31/12/2018

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Hello GymBeam Dream Team, since the end of the year is coming, I would like to present you what we are planning for the next year. This year was a preparation for rapid growth, we have begun to do things that had been disregarded from…

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